WordPress Interview: Lucijan Blagonic

A few weeks ago we’ve had a pleasure of interviewing Emanuel Blagonic and today we are going back to Croatia to meet the other half of Blagonic Brothers. It is my pleasure to welcome Lucijan Blagonic. Lucijan is a front-end designer focused on accessibility and usability. He is a gamer, ABBA fan and an active member of the WordPress community. All in all, a great, down to earth guy and I’m sure we all have something to learn from him. So, let’s get started.

WordPress Interview: Emanuel Blagonic

The summer is here, the days are getting warmer and for this interview, I’m going to our sunny homeland Croatia to meet a great guy, a friend and an active and a very important member of the WordPress community, Emanuel Blagonic. He is a designer, WordPresser, activist, speaker and what he could surely describe as his most important role, a father to his son Luka.

WordPress Interview: Ellen Bauer & Manuel Esposito

Welcome to another amazing WordPress interview. This time we are going across the world to meet two beautiful people, a couple that built their WordPress business as well as their lives together. It is my pleasure to welcome Ellen Bauer & Manuel Esposito all the way from the land of the Kiwi. Ellen & Manuel are web designers, WordPress theme developers and bloggers at Elmastudio.

MasterWP – A Newsletter for WordPress Professionals

There is so much information related to WordPress all around the web. This is, of course, a great thing, but at the same time, it can be overwhelming. Often times I find myself googling for something only to end up in a loop of cherry picking up-to-date relevant WordPress information from the old and obsolete. It takes my precious time and at times it can be really nerve wrecking. This is where MasterWP comes in handy.