How to Create a Giveaway Contest that Drives Traffic to your Site

Do you want to drive more traffic to your website? If the answer is yes, then you should consider creating a giveaway contest. 

Online contests are super fun and everyone loves getting the chance to win a cool prize. So, use that to your advantage. A successful giveaway contest will get people excited about your business and they’ll rush to your website to enter. Plus, while they’re there, they’ll probably check out what else you have to offer. 

The challenges of building a WordPress membership website

Building a WordPress website is easier than ever and using a WordPress site to create. Why? There are a wealth of membership plugins for WordPress to handle the features your organization or client needs in an all-in-one package. The real challenge as a project manager or developer is to initially pick the right membership software to meet your functionality requirements. Careful research will help you ensure you have selected a solid plugin that meets needs and avoids rework.

How to Add Google Analytics to Your WordPress Site With MonsterInsights (Step by Step)

Are you looking for a way to add Google Analytics directly to your WordPress website?

If so, you’re not alone. Google Analytics is one of the best ways to keep track of who is visiting your website and what they are doing while they are there. It’s possible to dive in and take a look at your bounce rate, page views, link traffic, and so much more.

Using The Best WordPress Translation Plugin To Go Multilingual

Searching for the best WordPress translation plugin to create a multilingual WordPress site?

With almost 75% of the Internet’s 4,159,440,684+ users speaking a language other than English, going multilingual is essential to help you reach as big an audience as possible.

Creating a multilingual website might sound intimidating, but with the best WordPress translation plugin in tow, you’ll be able to create a working multilingual website with just a few minutes of work.

In this post, we’ll share more about the benefits of translating WordPress. Then, we’ll teach you how to use Weglot, the best WordPress translation plugin, to translate your website. This method will work with all the Anariel Design themes – we’ll use the Zeko non-profit theme to prove it!

4 Worthwhile Strategies for Boosting Time Spent on Your Website

Did you know that a whopping 55% of your site visitors spend less than 15 seconds on your webpages?

That means a lot of what people click on, they don’t read.

No matter how great the content is on your website, if people aren’t engaging with it, you’re not likely to see positive results.

In fact, if the time people spend on your website hovers around the 15-second mark, you can expect to see high bounce rates, low conversions rates, and very little profit.

Luckily, there are many ways to increase engagement on your website and boost the amount of time people spend on each one of your site’s webpages.

So, let’s take a look at some of some of the most common and effective ways of boosting site engagement.