
Image Sizes

This is the list of the image sizes used in the Elephant theme demo. You are free to use different image sizes but keep in mind that it might affect the layout.

You can take these sizes as a starting point and experiment with different sizes to achieve different results.

Helpful Tips:

  • for grid layouts it is recommended to use images of the same size to keep them well aligned
  • it is recommended to prepare image sizes before uploading to WordPress. A good free online service for that purpose is
  • if the image width is larger than the width of the image container the theme will resize the image to fit it in. However, if the image width is smaller than the container width, the theme won't stretch it.
  • images are often main cause of a slow page loading. Try to keep the image file sizes below 300kb.


Logo: 240x87px

Front Page

Hero Image: 2600x1209px

Give Form Image: 356x285px

Cover Block Image: 1920x1280px

Recent Post Image: 720x620px


Featured Image: 1920x1050px

Cover Image: 1920x1260px

Two Column Image: 900x822px

Team Images: 900x750px


Featured Image: 1920x1050px

Testimonial Person Image: 150x150px


Featured Image: 1920x1050px

Give Form Image: 365x296px

Cover Image: 1920x1260px

Adopt an Orphan

Featured Image: 1920x1050px

Give Form Image: 300x250px

Cover Image: 1920x1260px


Give Form Image: 900x750px


Product Image: 480x480px


Post Image: 900x750px